Skin/Brow/Applier: Clef de Peau - Justin
Hairbase/Beard/Applier & Prim: Unorthodox - Noah
Top: Pumpkin - TMP Tank Top - Sheer
Tattoo: Inhale - Hollow - Sleeves {BUY NOW}
Ears: Swallow - Goth
Cap: FLite - Lux Strapback
CATWA has just released Paul, her newest male mesh head!
All the features on the face are much different than her previous release: Justin.
All are a bit more narrow, especially noticeable in the eyes.
So as in the other posts, here are the before and afters for the Animations HUD.
Before animations add-on fatpack is added:
This post also includes a new item from Inhale for the BUY NOW event.
More stores for BUY NOW can be found here:
Hairbase/Beard/Applier & Prim: Unorthodox - Noah
Top: Pumpkin - TMP Tank Top - Sheer
Tattoo: Inhale - Hollow - Sleeves {BUY NOW}
Ears: Swallow - Goth
Cap: FLite - Lux Strapback
CATWA has just released Paul, her newest male mesh head!
All the features on the face are much different than her previous release: Justin.
All are a bit more narrow, especially noticeable in the eyes.
So as in the other posts, here are the before and afters for the Animations HUD.
Before animations add-on fatpack is added:
After animations add-on fatpack is added:
A new feature I've not used before is using the CATWA mesh head
with The Shops or TMP male mesh body.
In the video below, there is a way to select the TMP neck form
and all you do with the TMP body is attach the StyleMode HUD
select the body, then modify, then Retrofit.
It's a great combination for those who are used to using
their TMP body with a TMP head.
In this case, you'll be using the CATWA mesh head instead :D
After showing the Main HUD and Beard HUD,
there is the Animations HUD, which is always
a great addition and much more lively to me than TMP.
This post also includes a new item from Inhale for the BUY NOW event.
More stores for BUY NOW can be found here: