Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Merry Christmas everyone!!!!  Can you believe it's already almost the end of 2012?  We survived December 21st just to get here!  Haha   I hope everyone has enjoyed this wonderful season!  My friend Kaboogie and I would like to wish all of you, "Happy Holidays!"

Kaboogie's Outfit (on right)
Hair:  Alice Project - Reema - Christmas Brown Hair
Jacket: SugarNova - Reindeer Jacket
Skates: WC - CandyCane Ice Skates
Accessories: Perceptions - Christmas Ball Necklace & Earrings; Meggie's Seasonal Shop - Reindeer Ears

My Outfit (on left)

Skin: La Petite Morte - Iris - Tan Deer *available @ The Outlet Sales Room*
Hair: Analog Dog - Mint Earth *Look for the freebie ball*
Outfit: Cynful - Xmas Special 2012 *See below!*
Necklace: MONS - Reindeer Necklace - Green *With Love Hunt Item*
Earrings - MANDALA - Tukemono Earrings - Gold
Santa 'stache: Alice Project - Crazy Moustache - Infinity *With Love Hunt Item*
Bear & Pose: Label Motion - My Xmas Teddy Gift

Special greetings from my love, Dewi and me ^^,
(we had a gangnam style celebration at our studio platform LOL)