Saturday, July 14, 2012

Musette Demonia

Musette Demonia (aka Kasia) is my next feature!  This lady is sooooooooo lovable!  Yes!  Lovable, that's my word to describe her because she is!  Not only is she lovable, but she is also a very talented creator (check out her store in Marketplace, pronto!) aaaaand is also the owner of the very popular industrial club, Club Zero!  If I were you, I wouldn't wait any longer... Do it.. I know you want to... DOOO ETTTT...  Do what?, you ask? Do this: Perv her profile! :P LOL  Make sure to check out all her picks... errry single one, ya'hear?! 

To Kasia!  Hiya^^ I just want to make this special shout-out to you and Jet.  Congratulations to you both and Dewi and I wish you much love and good fortune in your marriage!  Mwah!

Skin: The Body Co - Petal
Hair: !SyDS! - Pas Sur La Bouche - Raven
Eyes: Nocturnal Vision - Nightmare Eyes 11
Dress: PixelDolls - Empire Lace Dress - Black
Bottoms: Vextra Fashion - Fishnet Pantyhose - Black
Boots: Similar Italian Footwear - Genova Boots Patent Pointed Toe - Black
Leg Cuffs: Delicious - Adamntium Prisoner Cuffs
Collar: Kinky Designs - CD High Posture Collar
Necklace: League - Wanderer Jewelry Set - Black
Earrings: CBR's Body Jewelry by Sugar Falta
Piercings: Cyanide - Arsenic with Bridge