Just yesterday, I was informed by both my friend, zaffy and sis, Dipsy, of a cause that needed some attention. It isn't everyday that all of us come across the chance to make a difference in someone's life. Well here it is. Please help fund a child's treatment for cancer. Wrheckz Constantine needs us. Little Patrick needs us. Please come to this location and donate what you can. Thank you in advanced for the support and generosity!
Words from Wrheckz:
It all started when my sister got sick because of the weather. She had fever and flu and eventually spread to other members of the family. Me and Patrick got it too but there's was something weird. Most of us recovered except my kid Patrick. He got worse day by day and started to get weaker. One day, my sister saw some unexplained bruises on his body. It's quite impossible for him to get hurt anywhere because he's been in bed for a few weeks. That's when we decided to send him to a doctor and have him examined. Doctor forwarded us to a different department and told us to have him diagnosed for cancer. Life fell apart when doctor confirmed us that he has Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. Right now..
I'm trying to do everything I can to support all his needs. But I'm afraid that my efforts won't be enough. I've tried to ask for help from some charitable institutions but it'll take several months before i get a reply. I need all the help I can get.
Please include him in your prayers and let's all try to give him a chance to fight cancer.