This baby boy looked like he was one month old already!!! Oh man, little man! After 14 hours of labor, the Dr. finally decided that they had to perform a c-section and we all know why! It was absolutely insane how much of us, both friends and family, were so in tuned with Facebook those few hours... always waiting for updates. LOL I have to be honest, I was a Facebook whore. I used to always be on there, played all the games like Bejeweled Blitz (and yes, I've scored over 1 million before :P), Farkle (which is just like Greedy for all you Greedy players out there!!), Farmville and Frontierville/Pioneer Trail... but then because of some RL, I decided to stay off of it. Now it's more of an every few days, I check my news feed, maybe hit "Like" and comment, then I'm off. It's like that with SL sometimes. It's like they say, too much of a good thing can be bad for you... and in this case, not that it's really bad or good, but just too much of anything is bad. However, aaaand back to the baby, Facebook was just a great way to be up to date and with the moment on this occasion! We got to see two pictures of LJ (that's all I'll say :P) and yesterday, I was able to visit his mama and see how she was doing. Still hurts but she's able to walk around already, which is good. Baby LJ has already lost weight, which is normal... he's now at 8 lbs 7 oz. I believe but he's still a tall baby-feller! LOL 21 cm!! Also, yesterday, I was one of the fortunate to be able to meet LJ and! I got to see him and his mama together. Took pictures and totally posted their first picture together on her wall for her. After that, her phone kept beeping with all the Likes and comments. Hahah! I wish I could show you all how LJ looks, he's just so precious and very handsome too! :D I am so proud to be part of this family. I'm more adopted into it than anything. I am just happy to be able to join in on the festivities when I can yanno. I am so grateful for my friends and family, and especially my friends really... who are like chosen family. Anyboo, it's amazing to have a new addition! I absolutely cried at work when I read the news that he was finally here. SIGH! Sobbed a bit and then showed off his picture to my co-workers. Haha! Proud Auntie (/me points to self)!!
As you can see by my blabber-typing, I'm still on this high-on-life deal haha I want to wish all of you a great Friday and a wonderful weekend! I will get back to the swing of SL and fashion bloggerisms soon folks!! Till then, tidy up your inventory! LOL You know it's probably what you neeeeeeed to do anyhow. ;P
Anyboo ...and now back to your regularly scheduled program.